Friday, January 27, 2006

Only Longing Lasts...@ Material

On January sixth I had an exhibition of new paintings at Hamlett Dobbins' space, Material in Memphis. I had scheduled this before I found my space as a sort of deadline---to have something to work towards to force myself to be proactive about finding a studio and getting to work. It worked. With the deadline looming I was able to complete eight paintings for the show in three months (only ended up with room for six).

I am very happy with the new work as a whole. These represent my first successful experiments with color in the last seven years! The new work incorporates more graphic elements but retains areas of a more "expressive" paint handling that was a primary feature of most of my black and white work. I think these elements combine to create work with a more contemporary, personal feel. I had begun several smaller color pieces in Memphis before the move but nothing seemed to click before I got to St. Augustine.

Anyway, the show went well. My only regret was that Robin couldn't get away from work to attend it with me. A lot of people attended though (mostly thanks to Emily putting the word out) and I did get a fair share of publicity in the Commercial Appeal and the Memphis Flyer. I was very glad that Frederic Koeppel wrote a review of the show...,1426,MCA_570_4399874,00.html

After the show...dinner w/Dale and Kristen @ Memphis Pizza Cafe then met Emily at the P&H for Mel Spillman's birthday party complete with a fantastic cake made by Bobby!

While sitting at the P&H I started to get really homesick for Memphis. I realized as I looked around that most of the bar was filled with artists and I knew nearly all of them. It's no secret that I've missed my closest friends alot since moving but I realized how terribly I took Memphis' close knit, and largely very supportive art scene, for granted. You don't know what you got till it's gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw, that is sweet. There is no place like home, Memphis is the ultimate home base. Thta cake was good, mmmm, cake! ~mel